Remember running around outside until it was dark?

Happy World Kindness Day!

I didn't realise it was a thing until I heard it on the radio this morning. Being kind to others is fantastic, obviously. But a question for you: When was the last time you were actively kind to yourself? And no, I’m not talking about treating yourself to that extra slice of cake (but go for it if you want!) I’m talking about giving yourself the gift of joy, adventure, and fun - the kind that made your heart race when you were a kid. What was that for you? Maybe a sport, or a hobby?

As a Life Coach who also happens to be a triathlete, I think about this a lot. In fact, the reason I’m drawn to triathlon - the swimming, biking, and running - is because it takes me back to the carefree joy I had as a kid. Back then, I wasn’t worried about fitness data or how many steps I’d taken. I ran around with friends, rode my bike until it got dark outside, and swam with a reckless enthusiasm that had nothing to do with training schedules or adult responsibilities.

But here’s what happens as we grow up
Somewhere between homework and our first job, we start prioritizing “shoulds” over “wants.” Life gets busy, responsibilities stack up, and we gradually stop doing the things that used to bring us joy. The passion and playfulness that used to come naturally start getting pushed aside. Before we know it, we forget what it felt like to run for the sheer fun of it, bike just to explore new places, or jump into water because it made us feel alive.

Sure, adulthood is full of duties and commitments. But if we forget to do the things that make us happy because we're too busy or feel it's too late to pick it back up, is that kind?

Reclaiming your joy is an act of self-kindness
On World Kindness Day, I invite you to consider this: Being kind to yourself doesn’t have to mean taking long vacations (same as with the cake though, by all means go for it!!). It can be as simple as finding your way back to activities that made you feel alive. Maybe that means lacing up a pair of running shoes, dusting off your old bike, or rediscovering the sensation of gliding through water. Maybe it's playing tennis, colouring, building a model train . . whatever it was that used to make you smile.

Reconnecting with these simple pleasures isn’t just good for your body, it’s good for your soul. It’s a way to shake off stress, recapture a sense of wonder, and, most importantly, remember the person you used to be - the child who loved adventure, movement, and fun. Even if you’re out of practice, even if you’ve told yourself, “I’m too busy,” or “I’m too old,” the truth is, it’s never too late to find joy again.

You deserve this kindness
So today, in the spirit of kindness, be kind to yourself. Ask yourself what activities used to make you smile as a kid. Imagine the freedom of running, biking, and playing again, not because you have to but because you want to. It’s never too late to start, and you don’t have to do it alone.

If the idea of reclaiming your joy excites you, or if it feels overwhelming, I’d love to help. As a Life Coach and someone who has rediscovered the childlike thrill of movement through triathlon, I understand how hard it can be to get back to the things that made you happy. Let’s chat about how you can bring more fun, movement, and kindness into your life, no matter where you are now!

Contact me today, and let’s start your journey back to joy. Because when you’re kinder to yourself, you might just find that the world feels a little brighter, too.

Are you wondering what having a life coach is like? Imagine having coffee with a friend. And that friend is someone who loves to hear about what's going on in your world, and who asks questions that really get you to think. And you come away thinking, "Wow, I feel so good after that and I know exactly what to focus on." The magical bit of life coaching is that you already have your answers, and I as your coach just help you bring them to the surface. It's an amazing process, and I'd love to share it with you!

Bethany Ward Life Coaching

I'm a Certified Life Coach and athlete, who loves to talk about personal development and work/life relationships. I help my clients embrace change with courage and determination. Subscribe to my newsletter to get helpful ways to improve mindset, and turn challenges into successes.

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